Mile Chapter 138: Inn 3

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Mile Chapter 138: Inn 3


After a while, the girl in the counter called Rafia, the second daughter and the third daughter as well. Then she left the task of accounting and coming to the audience.


「Thank you very much, everyone, thanks to all of you, we can manage to live with these 3 sisters who lost their parents like this.
I have to work harder until my sisters marry to good men …」(Inn keeper girl)


Men nodded at the young girl’s words while holding down their eyes. And then, their lines of sight are pointed to each of their target girls.


((((U wa~aaaa!)))) (Red Oath)


The girls were lost their words with what happened.
There were also some men gazed to the youngest girl, who was only 7 to 8 years old. The girls wanted to think that it was protection instinct or father gender love for a young girl without parents.
But what they witness was beyond that …


((((They played dirty, it’s on purpose, it’s a fascination, They are 『fishing』)))) (Red Oath)


Yes, with her look, speech and tone of voice. And even there were no tears, her gesture that looked like holding her eyes at the beginning, it was clearly intended,

It was『a fishing act that handed out a delicious bait』 .
They are『Acting』 or『Terrible children!』. They were such kind of girls.
Women and elderly wouldn’t get tricked.
Such a technique couldn’t apply to the woman, and elderly men also wouldn’t interest in small girls who were only acting to trick people.
That’s why, as a local meal restaurant, only young men came here.
Even guests or travelers that were advised by young men guild staff or commercial guilds, they were said that 3 young sisters are doing hard work for living without their parent, even it was somewhat expensive, would they really make a big fuss? And of course the fee was prepaid so they must accept it themselves.
Finally, the 『Red oath』understood everything.


「The mystery has been solved … right?」(Mile)


The other members of『Red oath』that were returned to the room, nodded with Mile’s words.


「…Honestly, it was a cheap skill that wasn’t worth mention, it was a big loss with such high inn fee and cooking fee!」(Pauline)


Pauline didn’t even try to hide her unpleasantness.
As a daughter of a merchant, she didn’t like how those girls do it.


「But their parents are already dead, in order for the 3 sisters who still had a really young sister to live with their inn and dining hall alone by themselves, is it really something unforgivable?
Even though they were some inconveniencing other people, they weren’t lying or broke any law, were they?
Everyone there was all well aware that they were willing to pay higher fees.
Well, they were like asking for charity but they made other men feel good, it should be a good thing to be happy with each other.
Besides, in order to keep an eye out for funny guys, wasn’t it a good idea to keep some hunters on their side.
In fact, It seems like they were receiving some harassment.
I don’t think there are any reason to be so angry about this」(Maevis)


Pauline couldn’t say anything back to Maevis’ remark.
There were no victims indeed.
Even with the eldest sister said that fishing word, it was certainly impossible for her to abandon her sisters and went to marry quickly only for herself. And since all 3 sisters will marry someone in this town, everything she said is true.


However, Pauline still can’t accept it, she doesn’t want to acknowledge the inn keeper girl’s way of doing thing


「But she didn’t have to raise the price higher than the market price!
Because this kind of customers were always coming, they wouldn’t have any problems even with normal price, right?
They probably earned enough money to hire chef, they should be able to do it but they didn’t hire a chef.
It was cheap material that can be seen at a first glance, and the amount of food was small as well.
What’s with that, just what’s with that!」(Pauline)


No matter what Pauline says, no-one can reply.
However, it can only be said that this is an inn with such management policy.
And whatever their reason, it is not like『Red oath』can do anything about it. If they don’t want it, they can just don’t stay at this inn. That’s it.


「Anyway, the survey is half done! And tomorrow will be the other one. We will do some quests and then we will go to『Bear hole Pavilion』inn」(Rena)

「It’s『Wild bear Pavilion』,Rena-san …」(Mile)


Mile gently corrected Rena’s words.


***Next morning***


After eating breakfast, the girls withdrew from the inn.
All the baggage is in Mile’s storage, so they don’t need to carry their luggage.
The girls knew that they couldn’t expect breakfast, but it would be troublesome to eat somewhere later. It wasn’t fun to do quests with no breakfast. Besides, although the girls started this with curious, this is also part of the survey.
And, the girls ordered 4 servings of breakfast without expecting anything, but when they saw the plate that was being carried, the 4 were surprised. No, they were certainly surprised.
Two small breads, one boiled egg, one quarter of apple, half cup of milk.
It was badly beyond expectation so far.


「But, but… oh well, you can’t raise price too high with only this much」(Rena)


Pauline kept silent and pointing to the menu on the wall.


「Breakfast serving: 5 small silver coins」 (Wall Menu)

「「「So expensive!」」」(Rena + Mile + Maevis)


In the evening, in the nearby forest, 『Red oath』stored horns rabbits, birds, big boars as material collection and came back to town.
This time the girls didn’t intend to live long in this town and there was no interesting request, so they chose to pick up quest that was a regular request.


They were not so busy, and not to do anything all day was boring. Touring around this town? This town was too small, and it was too rural. There is nothing special here.
However, it was troublesome to receive a boring request that may take time, free quest with constant demand like collection system quest was the best. Whatever they hunted, they could put it all in a Mile’s item box, deliver it to another town at a later date, or eat it themselves without reporting in this town.
Well, just as expected, the girls didn’t plan to wait until the season change when the value goes up.


Anyway, that’s why 『Red Oath』 wasn’t coming to the branch office of the guild, but went straight to the other inn 『Wild bear Pavilion』


「…here it is」(Rena)


Rena, as usual, crossed her arms in front of the inn and muttering as she became a gangster …


「Here goes nothing, just like the 『Maiden’s Prayer』inn we stayed last night…」(Mile)


As Mile was talking, her mouth was quickly blocked by the panic Maevis.


「What would you do if someone heard that? If people found that you stayed over at that inn last night and now you changed the inn, wouldn’t that bad for those sisters?」(Maevis)



No matter how much the profit …, no, although it was 『cooperation price for sisters』there’s no point and need to make other people uncomfortable. Mile reflected on her careless mistake.


「Well, let’s go」(Rena)


Following Rena, everyone opened the door of the second inn, 『Wild bear Pavilion』and…


「Kuma?」(Rena) (くま)

「Kuma?」(Pauline) (クマ)

「Kuma?」(Maevis) (熊)

「Bear?」(Mile) (ベアー)

(T.N: くま クマ 熊 ベアー kuma kuma kuma bear is the name other novel)


And Mile’s group met Bear-san (Kuma-san).


FUNA sensei’s Note:
Finally, the 3rd volume of this work will be released on the 15th (Tuesday) the day after tomorrow.
Possibly, the likelihood of lining up in bookstores a little more … ….
Oh, but Ikumi’s Earth · Star Novel Fair is from the 15th. (^ ^ ゞ

Comic Earth star (free web magazine) also posted Comicalize episode 4!
Finally, those three people are waiting for you! (^ ^) /


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  1. If this series took place in the same word as bear-san, that would be amazing. There are a lot of reasons it wouldn’t work, but that would still be great. Thanks for the chapter.

    Liked by 10 people

    • Yeah. I’m doubting the story of the sisters as well. And to be honest, I’m half expecting a similar story at this inn as well, so your guess would match my expectations.
      If the bear inn is completely honest, when red oath was asking for a reccomendation and they started arguing, at least one person should have brought up the issue the maiden inn had. Seems to me like a case of avoiding the issue to avoid retaliation in kind hence everyone being quite about the faults of the other.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Suggestion:
    After a while, the girl in the counter called Rafia {or}->{,} the second daughter and the third daughter as well. {And}->{} then she left the task of accounting,{}->{and} coming to the audience.

    ((((They played dirty, it’s on {ourpose}->{purpose}, it’s a fascination, They are 『fishing』)))) (Red Oath)

    Yes, {}->{with} her look {and}->{,} speech and tone of voice. And even there were no tears, her gesture that looked {}->{like} holding her eye at the beginning, it was clearly intended,

    Pauline couldn’t say {any}->{anything} back to {Maevis’s}->{Maevis’} remark.

    And, the girls ordered 4 servings of breakfast {without}->{}

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow…suddenly that became unbearable.
    As expected, it really was mostly a pity play at the earlier one. Although even after checking, there’s no real need to bare all that they know to the townsfolk. The men there might not be able to bear it.

    So, is this next is a bear themed one, with bear mascots, and personnel in bear costumes? Or would it be some people whose faces are so hairy and they themselves are plump you can’t help but think of a bear? Well, bear in mind this could be any of the two, or a unbearably weird mix between the two.

    Well, until translator-san bares the next chapter to us, we’ll just have to bear with it and just think with whatever bare information we have.
    However, just by their reactions, I’m suddenly very sacred that it might really be a mix of what I said, at the bare minimum. It could very well be worse. Ok, I’ll stop; I don’t think I can bear with continuing this train of thought.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks 4 the chapter!

    I wouldn’t be able to bear my laughter if the owner of the inn is a grizzly old man.


  5. Thanks for the chapter.
    I feel like losing faith on lo… Humanity.

    I stand to be corrected.
    Those aren’t predators, that’s naivety of youth.
    Be wrung dry you lecherous bastards !!


  6. Thanks! Here’s a suggested revision:
    (T.N: くま クマ 熊 ベアー kuma kuma kuma bear is the name other novel)

    This should be:
    (T.N.: くま クマ 熊 ベアー is kuma kuma kuma bear, which is also the name of another novel.)

    🐇 You put only one period in the abbreviation, followed by a colon:
    ❌ T.N:

    It’s most important when using rules of grammar and punctuation to choose one method and use it throughout. You can even argue with the way something is graded by a teacher if you point out that you at least made sure to do it consistently! Tell your teachers I said so! 😁

    So, use either periods for both of the abbreviated words (translator’s note) or no periods at all (since this is informal writing or if you consider it an acronym):
    ✔💯 TN:
    ✔💯 T.N.:

    🐇 Note that I put a period at the end just before the closing parenthesis:
    ❌ another novel)
    ✔💯 another novel.)

    Next, note that I put the colon in this part of my last explanation outside of the parenthetical remark:
    ✔💯 all (since this is informal writing or if you consider it an acronym):

    When considering whether to put punctuation before or after a closing parenthesis, look at the parenthetical remark as a whole. Is it in its own sentence or its own paragraph, as your note was? If so, then make sure to put any punctuation that shows the end of the remark inside of the parentheses, because that ending punctuation is part of the sentence or the paragraph.

    However, if the parenthetical remark is in the middle of another sentence, do not use ending punctuation after the last word of the remark within the parentheses.

    In this latter case, there are two common exceptions:
    1. If the feeling or meaning of the parenthetical remark will change without the punctuation, leave it in:
    ✔💯 (really?), and
    ✔💯 (really!), and
    ✔💯 (the following is an abbreviation so the period shows the end of the abbreviation and not the remark: T.N.)
    ✔💯 native language (Vietnamese, right?) if

    2. The colon (:) is a special case in a way, because I can’t think off the top of my head of any situation where you would put a colon right before a closing parenthesis, since a colon tells the reader to look carefully at the next phrase or list.

    🐇 Finally, in my previous explanation, note how I began both examples with the same verbs and general phrasing:

    ✔💯 Note that I put a period… Next, note that I put the colon…

    This is an example of an important concept in good writing called “parallel construction.” Using even just the same grammatical structure (when you can’t use the same word) is a way of making it easier for your readers to understand what you’re saying by making your writing feel more logical and easier to follow (which is also sneakily parallel: more this and -er that). Obviously, you don’t want this concept to limit you, and overusing it would cause your writing to be boring. Balance is key.

    You won’t have much direct use for parallel construction when translating text, but keep your eye out for it and see how other people use it. Also, ask your teachers of your native language (Vietnamese, right?) if they also use this concept.

    In English, parallel construction and consistent use of style are related concepts, but the first lays down the path of your words and the second creates standardized road signs on that path for smoother progress.
    Earnestness is my favorite virtue, and you have been very earnest in everything I’ve seen you do on this site. When I can, I will point out a few things that I think will help you. Feel free to share anything useful with anyone, of course, and if you can, please let me know which parts were useful to you or others. Thank you for all your hard work!


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