Mile Chapter 167: Special Move 2

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Mile Chapter 167: Special Move 2


Mile and Maevis came to the forest near the Capital.
Of course, Rena and Pauline didn’t come along.
They must respect their companies’ private .


「Then, let’s begin」(Mile)

「I’m in your care」(Maevis)


Both Mile and Maevis had serious look.


「First we will start with a description of the technique.
As you know, I am far weaker than Maevis-san about sword skill. All I have are only the speed and the power」(Mile)


No, that 『only』is a 『wall that impossible to climb』, So Meavis thought, but she decided to listen silently.


「However, that technique, it isn’t due to speed and strength, no, actually in order to slash the flying magic, speed is still necessary…」(Mile)


Yeah, Maevis nodded.


「What you need is the power of 『Ki』」(Mile)

(T.N: Ki in English mean like air, brealth, gas however it’s different, well, in RPG it will be EP or SP instead of MP)



If it was magic then Maevis might lose her motivation, however if it was 『Ki』then she would believe she can do it.
As she thought so, her eyes were shining.
And Mile’s explanation which is arranged stories heard from the nanomachines last night begin.


「Although Maevis can use the power of mind inside your body, you can’t do it outside the body, right?
Even 『I am the incarnation of fire』was also coming from the inside of your body.
But as long as that power don’t leave your body, you can’t put the power of mind on the sword to erase your opponent’s magic bullet nor use the blade of mind」(Mile)

「Eh … then, for me, I can’t use it …」(Maevis)


Maevis was frustrating but Mile hasn’t done explaining yet.


「So, we will take physical measures to bring out the power of the mind out of the body.
For now, I will need Maevis-san’s blood and hair」(Mile)

No, I don’t really mind! However if this is the case, I need to sell the soul to the demon in order to master that skill?」(Maevis)


The part 『Demonic』in the skill made Maevis think of blood and hair. Well, it’s no use thinking about it now.


Mile received the sword from Maevis, pull it out of the sheath and put it on the ground.




Heard Mile’s words, Maevis pulled out the dagger, which is her reserve weapon, and use the blade to cut her left arm without hesitation.
Mile sprinkled Meavis’s blood on the sword and some spilled on the ground, and then placed the dagger Meavis had in hand near the sword and also applied blood to it.


「This is enough」(Mile)


Mile healed the wound on the left arm of Maevis, and the wounds disappeared cleanly.

Then Mile cut Meavis’s hair and sprinkles it on sword and dagger.
Mile didn’t cut much, she just cut a little of the hair, so Maevis’s appearance wasn’t really changed. And her very short hair that Mile cut stuck to sword and dagger together with her blood.


(Nano-chan, please!) (Mile)



The blood and hair were sucked in by the weapons and disappeared. The weapons were wrapped in a light made by Mile only to bring out the atmosphere.
And the both the sword and weapon were shining with slight golden and reddish compared to before.
Extension of Maevis’s body, which took in the blood and hair of Maevis. And it served as an antenna.


Why is the devil’s magical power stronger than other human-type races?

『Because they have an external antenna』

Nanomachine explained to Mile so.

Only for the devil race, not for human race.
Yes, it was the 『Horn』

It grows directly from the cranium and protrudes a horn. That contributed to the efficient radiation of thought waves.


Maevis was incompetent to radiate thought waves to the outside.
The built-in antenna is out of question. Then, she just need to have an external antenna.
The sword and dagger that took in Maevis’s blood and hair is pretty much as Maevis’ body. Then, it’s reasonable that the waves of thought could spread through the sword.


「Maevis-san, as I explained before.
Right now, these weapon would be able to send Maevis’s 『Ki』to the outside, so you can train that technique now, please work hard until you learn it.
And when you need to increase the power, please wet the hand holding the sword」(Mile)


「Yes, the resistance that impedes the transmission of 『Ki』to the sword is the 『contact resistance』generated at the contact part between the palm and the sword.
When the contact part gets wet, the resistance becomes smaller and your 『Ki』power transfer will be stronger.
It doesn’t matter if it’s water or sweat, but the most effective thing is …」(Mile)

「Blood, right?」(Maevis)



For her to have a right answer for Mile explanation, Maevis laughed happily.


Yes, no matter how high the voltage is, as long as the resistance value is large, the current will not flow.

This is why there are many electric shock accidents in the summer.

If the palm is wet with sweat, the contact resistance decreases and a large current flows.

Likewise, when the palm is wet with blood or directly connected to the sword through the wound, the thought wave would flow easily to the sword.

And the sword in which the thought wave has flowed, would emit the thought wave around the periphery as an antenna and works on the surrounding nanomachines.

Yes, in addition not only the small amount of nanomachines in the body but also nanomachines outside the body can be used.



「But please train it normally, especially when practicing …
If you only practice in an easy-to-use state, it won’t be a training.
Beside, if you wet your hands, the sword might be slipped out of your hand …」(Mile)

「Mile, what do you think the swordsman is?
Do you think the swordman can let their sword slip out of their hand just with something like hand wet from water, sweat or blood?
In addition, why do think that the handle was wrapped in a complex pattern for?」(Maevis)

「Oh, is that so?」(Mile)

「Mile … even though you are a magician, but you are still a magic 『swordsman』, and you don’t know what the swordman is…?」(Maevis)


Maevis was both surprised and tired.

And Mile’s guidance started just by saying 『Magical power』as 『Ki』, the special training for Maevis continued.

After the first day was over and when it’s dark, they came back to the inn.

Maevis’s body was deadly tired but her eyes glittered.


「Please give today’s 『Let’s play with Faryl-chan』for Maevis-san as a reward for her hardship… 」(Mile)

Rena and Pauline nodded to Mile’s request.

『The fluffy healing』is necessary for the present Maevis. Everyone thought so.


Second day. Maevis came back to the inn. Her original slender body became even thinner.
And although she was wobbly, her eyes were glittering.


「Please wait a second, Mile, is it really okay? Isn’t it better for her to take rest for tomorow training?」(Rena)

「Well, I think so, too …」(Pauline)


Rena and Pauline said that.


「It’s no use saying that to me…」(Mile)

「… … I will go tomorrow. Even if Mile doesn’t come, I will go even by myself.
A bit more, just a little more …」(Maevis)


Maevis felt into bed and lost consciousness, she said so with a groaning voice.


「As you heard. She would go even if we tried to stop her.
That’s why rather than let she go alone, I should go along to take care of her」(Mile)


If Mile already said so, they couldn’t stop anymore.
Rena and Pauline decided to believe and leave everything to Mile.


And Mile was suffering.
Maevis would probably acquire that skill soon.
And then.


(The name for that skill, what shall I do …?) (Mile)

Mile 10
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  1. 「Huh…!?
    No, I don’t really mind! However if this is the case, I need to sell the soul to the demon in order to master that skill?」(Maevis)

    What is she saying at this point. When she met Mile and learned that god true speed sword something she already sold her soul to the deval.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Thanks for the chapters

    Seeing Mile’s sword glowing at the picture above, I really must say it out loud, REZA BUREDO!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Suggestion:
    If it was magic {than}->{then} Maevis might lose her motivation, however if it was 『Ki』then she

    {Mevis}->{Maevis} was incompetent to radiate thought waves to the outside.

    「Mile … even {}->{though} you are a magician, but you are {}->{still} a magic 『swordsman』, and you don’t {}->{know/get} what the swordman is…{}->{?}」(Maevis)

    {Meavis’s}->{Maevis’} body was deadly tired but her eyes glittered.

    「{A}->{Please wait a} second, Mile, is it really okay? Isn’t it better for her to

    「As you heard. She would go even {even}->{} if we tried to stop her. That’s why rather than let she go alone, I should go {long}->{along} to take care of her」(Mile)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Suggestion:
    If it was magic {than}->{then} Maevis might lose her motivation, however if it was 『Ki』then she

    {Mevis}->{Maevis} was incompetent to radiate thought waves to the outside.

    「Mile … even {}->{though} you are a magician, but you are {}->{still} a magic 『swordsman』, and you don’t {}->{know/get} what the swordman is…{}->{?}」(Maevis)

    {Meavis’s}->{Maevis’} body was deadly tired but her eyes glittered.

    「{A}->{Please wait a} second, Mile, is it really okay? Isn’t it better for her to

    「As you heard. She would go even {even}->{} if we tried to stop her. That’s why rather than let she go alone, I should go {long}->{along} to take care of her」(Mile)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Maevis would hurt herself for the blood to soak in her blades (sword and dagger). It is kind of feeling bleeding is good for her. because it make her stronger (the blades).
    Every time she use the skill her lifeforce (blood) will be reduce.

    Hurt herself before charge to enemy or recklessly take enemy attack to blow her skill (berserker?)

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Maevis stray from her path from becoming knight. “The path is open for thee, please choose thy path, berserker or blood knight?”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wrong. Maevis is still a knight.
      Maevis becomes a Resurrection Knight.
      Rena becomes Demonic Predator Red
      Pauline becomes Shrine Maiden of Darkness
      Mile becomes Dominant Mask
      Red Oath was no more, the girl became “Red Blood is Justice”

      Ah… I really want to translate the next 70+ chapters for you guys and talk about it.
      Absolutely average chapter.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. 「However, that technique, {but} -> {} it isn’t due to speed and strength, no, actually in order to slash the flying magic, speed is still necessary…」(Mile)

    Thanks for the chapter 😀
    Maevis will turn OP from this skill huh XD

    Liked by 1 person

    • 2 skills actually.
      If you know Garena LOL game it will be easier to explain.
      Maevis is like Yasuo. Before this she only have E Sweeping Blade.
      Now she is learning “always Q Steel Tempest 3rd attacks”
      After this she will learn W wind wall.
      And now she can solo any AP champion (magician)


      • As an Ahri main, thinking that Maevis would become anything like Yasuo would give me nightmares. Anyways, if Maevis is Yasuo, what would her ult be? Annie’s E? (The AOE flamethrower, or was it W? Never played Annie)


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